Simplify Your Life

Here are some ideas that I have learned over the years to simplify our busy life and help things run a little smoother!  (Not all of these ideas are about coupons either)

Coupon Ideas:  Coupons Pictures, Images and Photos
  • If you are cutting multiple sets of coupons, be sure to sort them out on top of each other rather than cutting each insert one at a time.  This will cut your time dramatically depending on how many inserts you get each week!
  • Carry a separate envelope with you when you go to the store so that you can keep all of the coupons that will need to filed such as coupons that you find on tear pads or blinkies or maybe coupons that you decide not to use for whatever reason. Then when you get home and calmed down, you can file them and keep organized.
  • Post your name and contact information in the front of your coupon organizer in case it becomes lost.
  • Spend time organizing your coupons while your child is at soccer, or ballet or piano lessons.  You get the point. Kill two birds with one stone.
  • Here are two methods for quick and easy coupon organization.
death by chores Pictures, Images and PhotosHousehold Chores 
  • All kids must have their own laundry baskets!  It took me 5 years to figure this one out (Ok, I know I am slow but I was young and dumb back then. Cut me some slack).  If each kid has their own laundry basket, there is no more sorting trying to figure out whose clothes are whose.  
  • Sort out "outfits" for the little ones before putting them in the drawers.  This makes it very simple for them to get themselves dressed easily and you know they will not come out wearing a polka dot shirt and striped pants! Huge lifesaver in my house.
  • Use a family chore chart and assign responsibilities for each child.  The older they are, the more they are capable of doing. They are not paid to keep their rooms cleaned or to pick up after themselves; however, I do pay them a small allowance for doing the extra chores. We bought our chore chart from and have been very pleased with it.
  • I use a shoe organizer that hangs on a door to keep all of our crafts organized.  Each shoe slot serves a purpose, whether it holds glue or scissors or pipe cleaners, each slot is used for something and keeps all of our crafts well organized.
  • Finances is definitely a chore and we use a computer program such as Quickbooks to keep up with our expenditures.  You would be surprised how quickly a few trips to McDonald's can add up!  Using a software program to track your spending is definitely beneficial if you are wanting to start saving money.
  • Use charts and lists to help things run smoother around the house! Here are some I use.